The rules of running, rules that both society places and I placed upon myself, are rules I’m throwing out the window.
I hate running. I love running. I loathe running. I adore running. I won’t run. I can’t run. I don’t like to run. I shouldn’t run.
(Then again, I’m learning to throw many rules out the window, but that’s a topic for another day.)
Are you catching my drift? I have a very manic relationship with running, plain and simple.
During my first real run in several months last weekend I realized why I have this manic relationship with running.
The answer, like the fact that it’s manic, is plain and simple.
I have listened to far too many people for far too long about their thoughts, ideas, and opinions about running.

The Rules of Running
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- Running makes you lose your monthly cycle.
- Running made me infertile.
- Running is horrible for adrenal fatigue.
- Running makes you lose muscle.
- Running takes up too much time.
- Running is bad for your joints.
- Running gave me horrific cramps.
- Running is horrible for autoimmune conditions.
- Running makes SIBO relapse.
What I have learned is that all of that is true, and none of that is true, but the truth that dominates both is when I look at the big picture.
Running (over the past several years) has brought more to my life than has taken away.
And all the “problems” that came along with it (either physically or theoretically) I had full control over.
- Running didn’t make me lose my cycle. Running while under fueled (aka starving) did.
- Running didn’t make me infertile. A series of life events, bad choices and even perfect plans did.
- Running is horrible for adrenal fatigue when you don’t listen to the bodies signals which say, “I’m tired. No running today. I’m tired. Sleep.“
- I do believe running can make you lose muscle. But is that the only (and best) measure of fitness success in life? Where I could once run for miles and miles and barely feel tired, I am now running for 3 minutes and feel it in my lungs. I’m willing to sacrifice a little muscle for overall health and fitness and being in the kind of shape where I can easily run around with my children.
- Running only takes as much time as we dedicate to it. I enjoy working out, period. If that means running, swimming or lifting for that allotted time, then the activity doesn’t really matter.
- Lifting also proved to be hard on my joints.
- Running on certain days of the month gives me horrible cramps, and because I have been tracking it for so long now, I know exactly how to workout with vs. against my cycle. (Also, for the record, running is not the only thing that produces those cramps. It is anything super intense, so for me, lifting created the same problems.)
- A lot of things are horrible for autoimmune conditions, and if you want the truth…..I’m tired of living my life afraid of doing and eating everything “I shouldn’t be” in the name of a one-way path towards healing.
- I used to believe running would make my SIBO relapse, but then I relapsed after barely working out at all for several months. I am learning my triggers, and I am confident my workouts are not a major factor. In fact, I argue that I need more running for the motility issues and to help with keeping stress at bay (two of my main SIBO contributors).
So back to the rules of running.
As I already mentioned: I hate running. I love running. I loathe running. I adore running. I won’t run. I can’t run. I don’t like to run. I shouldn’t run.
But with all of these manic thoughts and relationships about/with running, there is one thing I know for absolute certainty….running makes me feel alive, inspired and allows me to live a more creative life during all other 22-23.75 hours of the day.
There is something about running that I return to time-and-time again.
And even with all the rules of running, I can’t let go.

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