This page is dedicated to my overall recommended supplements (for women) + the best supplements for women over 40.
If you are a woman on my page, chances are that your gut is in need of a little assistance.
Lucky for you, I have 10+ years of experience to share with you.
I have had QUITE the gut-healing journey, but I have found some supplements along the way that have been absolute game-changers for my overall health.
These have helped me get to where I am today and STAY there. SIBO free and healthy for over 5 years. So this goes out to all my women out there: teenagers to older women, let’s get you on the right track.
As I am now 40, this is a list created as the best supplements for women over 40 but it’s also a guide for women in general because I work with gut health and gut healing in general, and less with supplements directed strictly to women’s hormones.
Keeping all of this in mind….here you go!
Recommended Supplements
Click HERE to save these best supplements for women over 40 for later.

Supplements: Gut Healing and/or SIBO-Specific
Here are some of my favorite supplements centered around overall gut-healing and SIBO.
These supplements help to repair your gut lining, soothe inflammation, and make overall digestive function easier.
They are critical to mending your gut and doing some of the harder work for it, that it may not currently be able to do.
This includes things such as:
- break nutrients into their most digestable components
- promote bowel regularity
- soothe and relax intestinal muscles
- encourage the release of proper enzymes
List of Favorites
- Antrantil– for SIBO, but others take it for general gas, bloating, and discomfort as well (Use code ‘GUTSY10’ at checkout to save an automatic 10%)
- Digestive Enzymes with Betaine HCL – helps to break down key nutrients into their smallest parts (Digestive enzymes play a key role in reducing bloat! Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%)
- Digestive Bitters – bitters herbs (centuries old herbal remedies) that support digestion so that you can break down foods to properly absorb nutrients and feel your best after meals
- Dysbiocide– supports gut healing, I take it after the SIBO antibiotics
- Glutagenics (by Metagenics)- promotes a healthy intestinal lining
- Perfect Supplements Gelatin– coats the lining of the intestinal tract, promotes movement of fluids (Use code ‘GUTSY10’ at checkout to save an automatic 10%)
- Naked Collagen – Collagen peptides for the gut lining + to preserve muscle mass
- Increase Now – HCL with Pepsin – helps break down nutrients, in particular, proteins (Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%)
- HealthForce SuperFoods Intestinal Movement Formula 50 Count Vegancaps– promotes movement; it’s a good idea to never rely on anything with a laxative effect; but when desperate, this is the best I’ve found
- Iberogast– helps to relieve gas, bloat, and pain as well as promote bowel movements
- Just Thrive Probiotics (MY FAVE! 15% off with code ‘AGUTSYGIRL’ at checkout) (You can also simply add to your Amazon order, but will not get the 15% discount.) – rebalances bacteria
- L-Glutamine – amino acid designed for repair of intestinal lining
- Ox Bile – supplements the liver’s production of bile for digestion
- PREbiotic – nourishes your good gut bacteria (Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%)

Supplements: Adrenal and/or Hormones
- Adrenal Glandular– supports adrenals and proper release of hormones
- Vital Adapt– improve energy and stress protection
Fullscript Dispensary
An entire store of supplements – available through my Fullscript dispensary.
Once you sign up, I’ll increase your savings to 20%. After your first purchase I’ll increase that to 25% off!
Supplements: Miscellaneous, Detox, Holistic / Total Body
- Move Now – magnesium in the bisglycinate form; to promote sleep and relaxation (= which means healthier and more frequent bowel movements the next day) (Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%.)
- Calcium D-Glucarate– enhances liver detoxification
- Vitamin D+K2 – high doses of K2/D3 for immune, heart, bone, and cardiovascular health
- Dim Detox -support for detoxification and cellular health
- Multi-Organs – blend of 6 glandulars; this is the powder vs pill form that I add into things like smoothies and bone broth on the daily for overall health and vitality (Use code ‘GUTSY10’ at checkout to save an automatic 10%)
- LMNT – LMNT is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without sugars and dodgy ingredients found in conventional sports drinks; power your workouts, support healthy fasting, and carry along with you easily (includes sodium, potassium and magnesium; and through my link you’ll be able to try all the flavors with a free 8-count sample pack)
- Fermented Cod Liver Oil (NutraPro Cod Liver Oil – if you don’t want a fishy flavor)- promotes heart health and supports the immune system
- Green Pastures Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil – Use code: GUTSY10 at checkout to receive an automatic 10% off. Any order that totals $99 or more in the US qualifies for free shipping. On top of my coupon code, there is also multi-bottle discounts on brand products.- source of vitamin A and vitamin D, helps with heart health + immune health
- Hydroxo B12– good for functioning of nervous system
- Just Thrive Precision PREbiotics (15% off with code ‘agutsygirl’ at checkout) (You can also simply add to your Amazon order, but will not get the 15% discount)- helps to feed probiotics and encourage healthy gut microbiome
- Vitamin A– important supplement for vision, reproduction, and immune function
- Natural Vitality, Natural Calm (flavored or plain)- promotes relaxation of muscles and healthy bowel movements
- Thorne Research (in general, they make phenomenal products)
- Vitamin C – powder (Doctor’s Best Vitamin C with Quali-C)- antioxidant for the entire body
- Vitamin K2-7 – blood clotting and bone health (Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%) (You can also simply add to your Amazon order, but will not get the 15% discount.)
- WholeMune– immune support
- Vitamin C (Super C – capsules)– antioxidant
- Just Calm – A groundbreaking new approach to flipping the switch on stress; your perfect psychobiotic (Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%)
- Raw Zinc – those looking to improve their overall health (Use code ‘GUTSY10’ at checkout to save an automatic 10%)
Best Supplements for Women Over 40
Click HERE to save this entire post on the best supplements for women over 40 for later.

Best Supplement Formula
Now… you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. I did just throw a whole lot of supplements at you and you may have no idea where to start.
I would honestly start with picking 1-2 supplements from each category and adding them in ONE AT A TIME.
Alternatively, you can START HERE with our Supplement Quiz.
Now this second piece is crucial, as you want to test tolerance as you go along, rather than just throwing all of them on your gut at once.
Test each supplement out alone for 4-7 days before adding in another. This gives your body AMPLE time to see if it sits well on you.
Also with supplements- more does not equal better. Sometimes overdoing it on too many supplements at once can be just as harmful as not taking any at all.
This can also be where working with a practitioner is helpful, as they can help guide you towards the ones they find beneficial for your specific issues.
However, I understand that not everyone can work with someone right now.
At the very least, start with the #1 food and lifestyle journal out there, track your supplements, assess and move on.

Get this journaling SYSTEM as either a physical journal or download it instantly with our PDF version.
Which Supplements Should I Concentrate On?
You may be asking yourself… well which supplement SHOULD I concentrate on adding into my diet?
I’m going to break down several benefits of important supplements that support a specific facet of health.
This can make it even easier to see which areas you may be lacking in.
Note: you can also take our free quiz, “What gut health supplement should I take?” to help get started.
Overall inflammation in the body- feelings of chronic fatigue, soreness, and gut issues
- vitamin C- removes free radicals from the body that can cause inflammation, found naturally occurring in citrus fruits
- collagen- soothing for gut lining and intestinal coating (also helps with healthy skin and hair loss- added benefit)
- vitamin E- another antioxidant to reduce inflammation
- Tummy Soothe – the number 1 soothing product we recommend, which is a comprehensive blend ofimmunoglobulins and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, specifically formulated to help repair and support the health of the gut lining (Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%)
All of these products are very soothing for inflammation and help to promote a more calm environment.
The decrease in inflammation may also help to promote higher energy production and cognitive function.

Your gut has a lining that is crucial for keeping pathogens out and preserving the integrity of the immune system.
By boosting immunoglobulin counts in the body, you can help to support your immune system and the health of your intestinal lining.
Base-line gut issues- not digesting food, abdominal pain, bloating, gas
- enzymes- break down nutrients
- HCl- encourages production of stomach acid for additional break down
- ox bile- encourages release of bile from liver, breaks down fatty acids
- L-glutamine– soothing and promotes repair
- prebiotics- feeds probiotics and encourages their growth
- probiotics- promotes healthy gut microbiome
Micronutrient deficiencies- symptoms can overlap with inflammation but often manifest in sub-optimal functioning of the body
- vitamin A- SO many functions, good for almost everyone to take, can also be found in leafy greens
- vitamin B12 – important to encourage nervous system firing and communication, also found naturally in animal products
- B vitamins- Vitamin B helps convert nutrients into energy and synthesize red blood cells
- vitamin D- helps prevent bone loss, also known as the sunshine vitamin
- vitamin K- helps prevent blood clotting and prevent bone loss as well
**note- with vitamin A, D, E, and K- each one if a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it can be harmful if you take too much, I recommend speaking to a doctor or practitioner before adding these in
Detoxification and immune function- getting sick often, chronically feeling “under the weather”
- calcium supplements- activates immune cells
- vitamin A
Preventative supplements- help prevent further issues from developing
- fish oils- support brain health and play important role in preventing cardiovascular disease
- prenatal vitamins- helps encourage proper development of fetus, prevent reproductive complications (not folic acid)
Can I Pick Other Brands?
Of course you can!
This list is not exhaustive, meaning it does not cover every supplement out there.
There are plenty that I have not had the opportunity to try that I am sure would be great for the same purposes.
The only thing I recommend always is that you stay mindful of a couple of things when picking a supplement.
1. Pick from high-quality brands
Do your research on the brand and make sure they have a fairly good reputation. Some supplements can contain traces of toxins, so we 100% want to avoid that possibility.
Some of my other favorite brands include:
- My entire line at ((My team maintains a strict quality policy and supplier qualification program. Both are designed to formally express and document the quality expectations and performance requirements of our company-owned manufacturing facilities and a closely managed group of global suppliers, while ensuring compliance with FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).)
- My Fullscript Dispensary – hundreds of high-quality, practitioner-approved brands. Once you’re signed up, I’ll increase your savings to 20%. After your first purchase, I’ll increase it to 25%!
- Just Thrive – Use code ‘AGUTSYGIRL’ at checkout to save 15%
- Perfect Supplements – Use code ‘GUTSY10’ at checkout to save an automatic 10%
- Paleovalley – When you use this link you’ll automatically save 15%. PLUS, when you order 3 bottles or more you’ll receive FREE shipping and handling!
- Naked Nutrition – So many high-quality, unprocessed supplements and protein powders.
2. If you can, buy straight off their website
I linked a lot of Amazon links, which is totally fine and often priced more to our liking.
However, make sure that the product has good reviews and is legitimate before ordering off of Amazon. What you see is not always what you get when ordering supplements from Amazon. The customer service is also 100 x’s worse!
What About Hormones?
One other aspect of healing I find to be so helpful for women is rebalancing hormones.
This is likely where the best supplements for women over 40 come into play.
Sometimes I get asked about supplementation for hormones, but the truth is, I don’t take those! But honestly? I did when I was younger because I tinkered and messed up my hormones so badly.
Oftentimes hormone imbalances are a by-product of something else in the body, not a root cause in themselves.
More often than that I see women with severe gut issues having hormonal issues, as the two truly do go hand and hand.
Here are my tricks for rebalancing hormones:
1. Fix your gut! The gut synthesis a lot of different hormones that your body can use to regulate itself.
2. Calm down your adrenals! It is also important to focus on calming down your adrenals, or the organs that release hormones. When these organs are in overdrive, your body will be completely out of tune with itself.
I have listed some supplements above that help with adrenal regulation but other strategies include:
- minimizing caffeine intake
- not drinking caffeine on an empty stomach
- practicing stress control techniques
- adding in herbals such as licorice, ashwagandha, and basil to support energy levels without caffeine
3. Eating in tune with your cycle! I have a whole podcast episode on this topic, but eating different foods during different phases of your menstrual cycle can be extremely helpful. And good news for all my postmenopausal women, you don’t have to worry about this!
4. Eating a balanced diet! Since the gut and hormones DO tie in so directly, eating a healthy die can be a real game-changer. This naturally increases the amount of essential nutrients your body is receiving, which allows less stress on your adrenals and all around hormones.
What About Dietary Supplements For Weight-Loss?
The gut health / gut healing + weight connection is REAL.
If you truly want to get to a healthy weight, I would focus on reducing gut inflammation in order to achieve faster results.
Here is my article all about gut inflammation + the weight connection!
I hope you find this list on the best supplements for women over 40 to be extremely helpful in your own supplement journey.
Comment down below if you have any supplements that you personally have found to be helpful.

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- The Best Food Sensitivity Tests for Weight Loss
- Best Supplements for SIBO {based off experience + research}
- Best Supplements for Beginners {on your gut healing journey}