Become a health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition changed my life.
The truth is that I never intended to make a business from the additional knowledge acquired.
My intentions were very simple: to continue educating myself on a simplified, holistic lifestyle in order to continue healing my own gut.
As the year progressed and I was armed with more information and confidence, I knew in my heart that helping women worldwide was my calling.
Become a Health Coach

You might not know your calling this very moment, but if you follow me, read my blog and are intrigued at all, you could quite possibly be the perfect candidate for attending The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
If you are ready to enroll at the school, call 877-733-1520.
Let them know Sarah Kay Hoffman sent you.
Learn more about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition + contact me with any specific questions and to let me know you’ve enrolled!