The following includes a list of 105 things I want to do in 1,095 days. You can read the full post via 105 Things in 1,095 Days.

105 in 1,095

105 Things in 1,095 Days - My 33rd Birthday Update

{105 Things in 1,095 Days}

  1. Come up with a list of 105 things (February 10, 2015)
  2. Inspire someone to write their own list of 105 things (Jenni Tellers, Kristen McClain, Jessica Dunlap)
  3. Finalize Samarah’s adoption (July 11, 2015, Meet Samarah Josephina Hoffman)
  4. Go to Vietnam
  5. Watch a friend’s child(ren) so they can have a few hours to just be
  6. Finish One: Impossible Starts Here
  7. Adopt baby/child #2 (Isaiah Taylor Hoffman)
  8. (begin the process of) adopting baby/child #3 (Amiya, placed in our home September, 2016)
  9. Send a surprise package to someone (my cousin Tammi this past Christmas, 2015)
  10. Get Sam a Piggy Bank (my friend Kelli got her one for her 2nd birthday!)
  11. Do 7 unassisted pull-ups
  12. Create a genealogy tree
  13. Wear a swimsuit to the pool/beach (<– sad, but I have not done this in 2 years) (July 18, 2015)
  14. Begin writing a book (Draft is in Google Docs for Gravel Roads)
  15. Go to Expo West 2015 (March 2015)
  16. Go to Expo West 2016 (Expo West 2016 – March)
  17. Go to Expo West 2017 (Expo West 2017 – March)
  18. Remove all plastic from the kitchen
  19. Go to Hawaii (August 26 – September 2, 2015)
  20. Release a bold video on my blog (July 9, 2015: I Never Lost Hope)
  21. Write a bold post on my blog
  22. Speak at a large conference
  23. Release A Loving Spoon flavor #3 (Honey Roasted Peanut Butter with a touch of Fleur de Sel)
  24. Release A Loving Spoon flavor #4 (No longer relevant, Goodbye, A Loving Spoon nut butters)
  25. Release A Loving Spoon flavor #5 (No longer relevant)
  26. Release A Loving Spoon flavor #6 (No longer relevant)
  27. Read the Bible
  28. Read the Bible (a second time)
  29. Take 12 days off of work where I just stay home and nest (4 per year, 1 per season) (Heck, decided to do this every single day! My decision HERE.)
  30. Finish the A Loving Spoon 5-year business plan (No longer relevant)
  31. Finish the A Loving Spoon 10-year business plan (No longer relevant)
  32. In addition to 147 Million Orphans, partner with a non-profit through A Loving Spoon that gives predominantly to children in the US (Case for Kids)
  33. Get baptized (again) (Easter Sunday, 2015)
  34. Send snail mail (just because)
  35. Cry when I feel like crying
  36. Smile when I feel like crying
  37. Watch the sunset from somewhere other than in our house with my family + dogs (August 27, 2015, in Hawaii)
  38. Take an official food photography class
  39. Unplug completely for an entire day (for a few days at Mayacamas Ranch, January 2017)
  40. Organize all digital photos
  41. Buy a small, fuel-efficient car (I miss my Jetta)
  42. Memorize 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
  43. Share my story in a major publication or on TV
  44. Meet Dr. Mark Hyman
  45. Go on a girl’s only trip (with Megan to the Maycamas Ranch Retreat)
  46. Have a girl’s night out (Not many, but THIS was a memorable one.)
  47. Go to Telluride
  48. Redo this blog to reflect who I am now, and where I want my missions to take me (updated August, 2015)
  49. Make 25 stocking-stuffer kits to donate to local foster care agencies at Christmas
  50. Go horseback riding
  51. Mentor someone
  52. Find a mentor
  53. See A Loving Spoon on at least one Whole Food‘s store shelf (No longer relevant)
  54. Invite someone to church
  55. Write a letter to someone who made a difference in my life
  56. Have a garage sale to clean out the house, and donate half the proceeds
  57. Surprise Ryan with a day trip
  58. See Miranda Lambert in concert
  59. Be in our forever home (or have a plan for it)
  60. Get a Beach Cruiser (Ryan got it for me for Mother’s Day, 2015)
  61. Throw out all recipe books, and replace them with one recipe box filled with my favorite recipes and/or handed down family recipes
  62. Make ornaments and bring to a local nursing home
  63. Make my famous Bone Broth for a sick friend (November 10, 2015)
  64. Say a prayer for someone I don’t necessarily agree with and/or like all that much (HERE)
  65. Begin the day with a glass of water + lemon every day for 2 weeks
  66. WALK a half marathon with Carla, just because
  67. Go on a mission trip
  68. Send a jar of A Loving Spoon nut butter to brighten someone’s day (No longer relevant)
  69. Re-paint Sam’s room (we moved, so I didn’t have to do this one – bonus!)
  70. Build a Gingerbread House
  71. Do mommy ‘n me baby yoga with Samarah
  72. Send flowers to my mom (just because)
  73. Send flowers to my mother-in-law (just because)
  74. Make a vision board (I did this in 2017, and it was awesome!)
  75. Have Elizabeth make Samarah an amazing Gotcha Day cake (October 11, 2015, we had her do the birthday cake instead)
  76. Fully tithe
  77. Begin concept and implementation of: “You Got Smoothied” or “You Got Real Food-ed” (surprising people with random drops of goodies, real food style vs. the standard chemical, additive and preservative-laden junk)
  78. Bring food for the homeless on a random day
  79. Get Carla’s new book
  80. Complete Nia Shank’s 6-week Lift Like a Girl Strength Program
  81. Complete another Nia Shank’s program
  82. Eat sardines (March 2, 2015 – WITH Samarah, who loved them!)
  83. For 7 days straight, begin the day by reading my Bible, followed by 5 minutes of meditation (before ever looking at my phone, turning on computer)
  84. Re-paint my current office (our next child’s) bedroom in preparation for their arrival (another one I didn’t have to do, due to the move)
  85. Practice a form of yoga every day for 7 consecutive days
  86. Write 500 words for 15 days straight
  87. Write The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut
  88. Compile the best and most comprehensive list of low FODMAP foods to include in #87
  89. Have my Social Media Content class become an online program in addition to an ongoing on-campus class
  90. Say “no” to something I typically say “yes” to
  91. Sleep in until 9 am (unless I’m sick, I haven’t done this in probably years)

(Below are all the things from Healing through Intention in 2015, which should absolutely be added to this list)

  1. Create my own yearly planner (via Bullet Journal)
  2. One-liner Samarah (Did “The Little Things” for Samarah + Isaiah for quite some time)
  3. Scrapbook/Life book for Samarah
  4. Samarah’s Gotcha Day video (we made not one, but 3 of them!)
  5. Kitchen de-clutter and organization
  6. Home office de-clutter and organization
  7. Samarah’s room de-clutter and organization (her new “big girl” room is done, clean and organized, but is just waiting on the final touches)
  8. Master bedroom de-clutter and organization
  9. Begin an herb garden
  10. Read Erin Brown’s As Is
  11. Solo day/weekend getaway (Mayacamas Ranch Retreat)
  12. Avoid the scale for an entire year
  13. Finish Bible Study/church study Journal #2 (at the end of 2016!)
  14. Begin Bible Study/church study Journal #3

Did I complete them all by day 1,095?

Click HERE to read my recap published the day before my 35th birthday.