Cook onions and pepper in 2 T. fat (I did 2 vs. 3 T fat, and we used something buttery, dairy free and amazing, Nutiva's Organic Buttery Coconut Oil).
Add ground beef and cook until it falls apart.
Stir in remaining ingredients.
Pour into a 2 quart casserole.
Cover and bake.
Remove cover last 15 minutes.
Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.
All ingredients I used were organic. Many of the ingredients on this list are on the Dirty Dozen list, so choose organic whenever possible. Can't do gluten? Good news. This is gluten free. Can't do dairy? Good news. This is gluten free. Can't do grains? Leave the rice out. Can't do nightshades? This is NOT the recipe for you.
Recipe by A Gutsy GirlĀ® at