How to Make Sweet Cream Butter from leftover fat
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Serves: ⅛ c.
  • Full-fat beef fat, leftover after cooking 1-2 pounds
  • 1 Tbsp. heavy whipping cream
  • Stevia, dash
  • pumpkin pie spice, dash
  1. Cook beef like you normally would.
  2. Strain beef, capturing the "fat" in a small bowl.
  3. Remove any leftover beef pieces from the liquid.
  4. Place the fat in the fridge to cool/harden (at least a couple hours).
  5. Take fat out, add the heavy whipping cream, Stevia and pumpkin pie spice.
  6. Whip all ingredients with a spoon.
  7. Enjoy on bread, spread over fruit, in oatmeal, on sweet potatoes, etc.
  8. Store in fridge.
Recipe by A Gutsy Girl® at