Wild Rice, Salmon, and Greens
Recipe type: Main
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Serves: 2
  • one bunch Bitter Melon greens
  • two bunches Yam Leaves
  • several huge handfuls spinach
  • olive oil
  • Wild Salmon fillets
  • 1 cup rice (I used white)
  • Add-ins: basil, cilantro, freshly-grated ginger, Tamari sauce, sea salt, lemon and chopped garlic
  1. Saute greens (pull off just the "leaves" for your greens - you don't need the stems) in olive oil and a little water until about ¾ way cooked (I had a ton of greens, so I had to make a few batches, setting cooked greens aside in a large bowl)
  2. Set all greens aside
  3. Broil the salmon (topped with chopped garlic and lemon) on low for 5-7 minutes (not fully cooked)
  4. Boil 2 cups of water in a separate pot, and add 1 cup of rice. Reduce heat, and stir frequently. Cook until about ¾ done
  5. In a large saute pan, mix all pieces: greens, salmon, and rice
  6. Mix in liberally: basil, cilantro, freshly-grated ginger, Tamari sauce, sea salt, lemon and garlic
Recipe by A Gutsy Girl® at https://agutsygirl.com/2012/08/22/a-secret-food-for-digestion/