I started this feature last year when I posted the top 11 ways I continued healing in 2017. I think I’ll likely do it each year moving forward because I believe it could be really valuable for you. Today I’m honing in on the gut with my top 9 ways I continued healing my gut in 2018.


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Double tap if you agree.⠀ ✨⠀ ‘Bout that time of year again. Everyone will be making the old New Year’s Resolutions. If you follow ‘A Gutsy Girl,’ then chances are you are wanting to heal your gut (or maybe you just enjoy all the Bristol Stool Scale images I share ????????.) Either way, IF you want to make healing your gut the number ONE 2019 resolution, then DO IT!⠀ ✨⠀ No one can do it but YOU.⠀ ✨⠀ My e-book can help, and so can my 1-on-1 health coaching. But when you heal your gut, you heal your life and it’s all because YOU did so. Xox⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ Find hundreds of gut healing posts via www.agutsygirl.com. (Make sure you’re following @agutsygirl and click “Turn on Post Notifications” in the upper right corner so you never miss a post). Grab the 286 page gut healing e-book, THE GUTSY GIRL’S BIBLE: AN APPROACH TO HEALING THE GUT, 3.0 now via link in profile.⠀⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀ ⠀ #agg #agutsygirl #IBS #iin #guthealing #ibd #healthcoach #guthealth #leakygut #autoimmunedisease #colitis #ibsdiet #crohns #lowfodmap #gutfriendly #lowfodmapdiet #gapsdiet #aipdiet #healthylifestyle #SIBOdiet #chronicfatigue #glutenfree #healthcoaching #leakygutsyndrome #healthygut #healthyquotes #healing #healingquotes

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The first thing I must say before sharing this list is that there is not one thing that has advanced my healing, and, in fact, I’m not sure I believe we ever fully heal. I know that’s debatable, but whenever you have any severe and chronic illness, healing 100%, forever and ever is not very likely. 

If you listen to any huge functional doctor speak, most of them will tell their stories; they entered the medical world after getting extremely sick and having Western medicine fail them. And if you continue following them, you’ll see they “relapse” or have something happen from time-to-time. 

When I say, “Continued healing my gut,” what I mean is that for 95% of the time I feel great and I can attribute that to these 9 things below.

Top 9 Ways I Continued Healing My Gut in 2018

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Top 9 Ways I Continued Healing My Gut in 2018 www.sarahkayhoffman.com #guthealth #healthyliving #gut #healing

  1. Dysbiocide

    There are certain supplements I take on a daily (very religious) basis like HCL, enzymes, Vitamin A, and WholeMune (especially now during cold and flu season), but of all the supplements I took this past year, Dysbiocide might be the favorite newcomer to the party. Only, I don’t take it daily. If you go to the A Gutsy Girl Instagram and click the “Supplements” circle, you’ll see me talk about it. I’ve taken it two times now; both times it worked like a charm.

  2. Less workouts

    I have worked out way less this past year than many years in the past, and September (up until now) I really stepped back to just rest. But the thing is that I never planned it to be this way. It sort of just happened. I got tired of my stomach hurting after super hard workouts, so I stopped doing them. If a workout aggravated me too much, I’d take a couple days off and then return with light workouts. Sure, I’ve lost muscle – I weigh less, with more body fat – but here’s the thing…..even when I want to care, I really don’t care. Why? Because at this point in my life literally nothing matters as much as feeling well – especially not some intense workout…..for what?!

  3. CBD Oil

    Debatable and subjective, but towards the end of the year, I started taking a few drops, at least a few times per week. I will experiment and research much more in the coming year. A Gutsy Girl Holiday 2018 Gut Health Wish List www.sarahkayhoffman.com 47 plus more holiday gut health gift ideas #holiday #guthealth #guthealing #holidaygifts #cbdoil Charlotte's Web CBD Oil

  4. Colonoscopy and Endoscopy

    Doing this again was something that needed to be done for quite some time. I had the procedures done in July. In the end, it was found that I am about as healthy as they come (small and large intestine-wise, with the scope lens). But more important than that is the fact that I got to say, “Goodbye, Colitis.” And when I got to say goodbye to Colitis, something else happened….

  5. Positive Declarations

    I began saying positive declarations like, “I am healed. There is no Colitis. The SIBO no longer exists. It’s all gone.” Along with it, I let go of underlying commitments. You think this one is just some woo-woo, but I promise it’s not. It was important enough to make this list.


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    Fact: I used to **never** use anything that was super nice, new, or given to me by someone I loved so hard UNLESS it was a fancy occasion. ⠀ ✨⠀ Like the towels my grandmother gave me shortly before she passed away. They were hand sewn and their purpose was for everyday – in fact, they had each day of the week written on them. ⠀ ✨⠀ But I stashed them away, never using them because I wanted to save them for “that special occasion.”⠀ ✨⠀ A couple years back, I stopped doing that. ⠀ ✨⠀ There is NO DAY like today. Not worried about yesterday; not focused on tomorrow. TODAY. Xox ????⠀ .⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ Find hundreds of gut healing posts via www.agutsygirl.com. (Make sure you’re following @agutsygirl and click “Turn on Post Notifications” in the upper right corner so you never miss a post). Grab the 286 page gut healing e-book, THE GUTSY GIRL’S BIBLE: AN APPROACH TO HEALING THE GUT, 3.0 now via link in profile.⠀⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀ ⠀ #agg #agutsygirl #IBS #iin #guthealing #ibd #healthcoach #guthealth #leakygut #autoimmunedisease #colitis #ibsdiet #crohns #lowfodmap #gutfriendly #lowfodmapdiet #gapsdiet #aipdiet #healthylifestyle #SIBOdiet #chronicfatigue #glutenfree #healthcoaching #leakygutsyndrome #healthygut⠀ ⠀ Via @gutsygirlblog ——> “Happy #Saturday nuggets!⠀ •⠀ This is me 100%. I used to buy nice sweaters, pretty lipstick or the “good” dessert, and then save it FOREVER. Then I saw this and it really struck home.⠀ •⠀ Especially those living with #chronicillness, we know every day we feel halfway normal is a gift. Every meal that isn’t painful is a gift. Every moment we aren’t in the hospital or waiting to hear back from the doctor or getting tests done is a gd GIFT.⠀ •⠀ So I challenge all of you to SPOIL yourself this weekend. Go out of your way to do something extra special for yourself. Not because it’s a special occasion, but because today is a beautiful day, and you’re here on this earth and that alone is cause for celebration.⠀ •⠀ Take care of yourself, always ????⠀ •⠀ ????: @elizabeth_rider”

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  6. Dealt with the hard things

    The mind and gut are very real. I am living proof of it; you just don’t see it because I haven’t disclosed it all yet. 2018 was the first year I ever truly began to dig and dive for all those hard things. How could I retrain my mind in order to help heal my gut? The fire was lit in May, but the work didn’t begin until about September. This journey has been probably the best, most healing thing I could have taken on in 2018. But truth be told, if you would have told and asked me, “Listen, this is going to happen in May….it’s going to get worse and then it will get better. So do you want to do it in the name of healing?” I would have probably said, “I’m not sure sure.” It hasn’t been fun – dieting without FODMAPs was  so much easier. But that’s the point. You can’t diet harder; another major lesson learned in 2018.

  7. Stayed on the LDN path

    I thought I’d ween off of LDN this year, but it never happened. I began LDN for autoimmune Colitis. Then I found out I didn’t have Colitis. But even still, as LDN acts as a prokinetic, I believe it’s still doing wonders for my motility to keep the SIBO at bay. I do still want to be off it for good; I’m just not ready yet.

  8. Intermittent Fasting and general meal spacing

    I practiced a lot of sane intermittent fasting and general meal spacing, but I believe it works for me because of the sane emphasis. When I state that I don’t believe IF is for everyone, I always get the nasty messages that I’m spreading false information. But I’m not. For one, there is no one thing for everyone, and two, top doctors do caution against long periods of IF and meal spacing for those with any type of low-Thyroid and/or hormonal issues. And **hi** that’s me; that’s also many of you. Yet still, I have found a ton of benefits by practicing it in a way that works for me.

  9. Support

    We moved back to Minnesota to kickoff 2018. I immediately had a sense of family and community again. I was breathing easier and happier all around. That, coupled with the huge growth of the Gutsy Instagram community, and I feel very supported and sound on a daily basis. There are people everywhere now…..online and offline who get me 24/7. This is critical for healing. Top 9 Ways I Continued Healing My Gut in 2018 www.sarahkayhoffman.com #guthealth #healthyliving #gut #healing Amiya and SKH wedding

There are so many other small things I do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis that have added up and contributed to my overall gut health and general health in 2018. 

Today I stand by, whole-heartedly:

Top 9 Ways I Continued Healing My Gut in 2018 www.sarahkayhoffman.com #guthealing #SIBO #Ibs #healthyliving

I am so excited to see how I learn, grow, and heal even more in 2019. More important than that is how I’ll be able to share the journey with you and as much information possible to help you stand firmly and give your own list of the top ways you healed your gut!

If you want more, grab The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut. To get on my waitlist for 1-on-1 coaching, click HERE. And finally, to voice your opinion about what content and information you’d love to see on the gut in 2019, click HERE.


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  1. Hi Sarah! I thought I remembered you mentioning in another post, that you used Dysbiocyde when you felt like your SIBO was beginning to relapse. Did I remember that correctly? Loved this blog post!! – Kayla

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