I’m creating space for gut healing.

As a noun, space is defined as,

a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied

Look at this image.

How to Create more Space in your life sarahkayhoffman.com coffee

You know how sometimes you look at an image or scene and think

Its simplicity is just beautiful. There is so much space, it’s filled with minimal elements and even though it seems like minimal words should accompany it, I am filled with words and thoughts about it?

This is how I’m feeling in my own life right now. Or maybe I should say how I’m feeling I need my life to be.

I promised myself less in 2016, and I have been doing a good job with letting things go here and there.

But I’m not convinced that less and more space are the same.

Less means taking it away, a smaller amount or quantity.

And space just means that there is an opening that is free and available.

Space for Gut Healing

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Space for Healing with A Gutsy Girl agutsygirl.com #guthealing #relationships #healthyliving

For me, more space means taking away the wrong things in order to find room and beauty for the right/new things.

There is something truly beautify about space – white, blank space.

In a recent Instagram post, I stated,

So for now, I have had to say goodbye to A Loving Spoon nut butters, and ‘hello’ to more space in my life.

Yesterday, on Mother’s Day, I took myself on a nice long walk/jog and to think about space.

I stopped by one of my favorite places in our community, ironically, which contains nothing but grass and space.

Space Redbridge Tracy, CA sarahkayhoffman.com

While there, I wrote down all the ways I have been creating space, all the ways to further create space, and what creating this space will mean for my life.

And when I got home, I sent out an email to a few people, canceling an upcoming girl’s trip I had planned, but along with it came my open and honest truths about why.

Space, I need it for many reasons right now.

What Creating Space Allows

Later that day, Ryan and I took the babies on a nice, long drive on the backroads, listening to Willie’s Roadhouse and enjoying our time together. In those moments, I realized that creating space has implications for:

  1. Gut healing
  2. Better relationships
  3. Self-care and love
  4. Productivity
  5. Less stress
  6. Faith
  7. Workouts
  8. Saying “no”
  9. Decluttering (getting rid of physical possessions)

I have begun taking actions on all of these. 

My first Gut Healing Bullet Journal is almost completely filled, and with that today I’ll grab a new one, and as part of this new journey, I will start documenting all the ways that creating space is positively impacting the above.

I finished the final MOPS newsletter for the 2015-2016 year last night. I ended it with our verse for the year.

For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

I believe that creating space helps us achieve this….to go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

I am grateful for space, and I pray you find your own – for the sake of your own gut-healing journey.


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