Spartan Training, Week 2 ended on a rough note.

{This post is part of my 101 Days of Blogging series, inspired by Experience Life magazine’s 101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy, authored by Pilar Gerasimo.}

Day 12: Go At Your Own Pace

A healthy life is more a marathon than a sprint. So start where you are. Choose sensible, sustainable shifts over instant cures and quick fixes. Revolutionary Act #12, powered by Experience Life

Monday: Upper body (super high rep)

Tuesday: 35-minute run

Wednesday: Lower body (super high rep)

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Spartan 300

Saturday: OFF

Sunday: 6.5-mile run

My workouts this past week rocked! I shaved off more time on the Spartan 300, 6.5-mile run + uphill sprints I do at the gym, alternating between bodyweight + carrying the 25lb sandbag.

I am feeling stronger by the day….that is until yesterday.

The run itself was awesome. I felt much better even after just one more week of workouts, but when we first started out it was dark. While moving from the gravel up to the tar road, I miscalculated my step and rolled my ankle. Somehow, it just stung for a minute or two and then I was fine.

I thought nothing of it again until later that day we were at the park for a birthday party. While walking on the cement with Sam, I turned back to look at something, and in that split moment rolled off the cement to the grass. This time, it really rolled and immediately I was in excruciating pain.

But again, I told myself it would pass in a minute or two. Only then it didn’t. The pain escalated, foot swelled and I could not walk on it. Ryan had to carry me to the car.

When we got home, we iced it, I took Advil and fell asleep for a couple hours while Samarah napped, too. When I woke up, the pain had gone down. Moving my foot even the slightest hurt, though, so we bandaged it up. That has been the key to making me feel slightly better – the foot must be positioned so as not to move.

I am now able to limp around.

To say that I am super bummed would be an understatement. Deciding to do my first Super Spartan felt like a big deal to me, coming off a year of very little workouts and almost zero cardio. I don’t care if I can’t do one more long run until the day of the race, November 7, 2015, I will race. Will this set me back? OF COURSE!

Spartan Training, Week 2 Setbacks are not stoppers if the journey never ends

But setbacks are not stoppers if the journey never ends. And “a healthy life is more a marathon than a sprint.

I will now need to get highly creative with my training. {If you have ideas, let me know!} + Bring on even more anti-inflammatory foods (we started last night with farmers’ market smoked salmon. BothSamarah and I have inflammation we are now fighting so I am focusing heavily on reduction all around. And that is a whole other story, coming this week.) ????

Upwards and onwards.


To get involved in the #MyRevAct campaign, follow @ExperienceLifeMag on Instagram and post your own revolutionary ways to be healthy using #myrevact. In the meantime, read the best in healthy living at

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  1. I was so sad for you when I saw the photo on Facebook. But, as always, you’ve seen the silver lining and taken/have the best approach and attitude.
    The last time I committed to a race – – to run a half marathon in Las Vegas – – I hurt my back so badly I had to pull out. I was really disappointed but, with hindsight, I see the way not going impacted my life and the other opportunities which popped up since I couldn’t attend.

    1. YES! I am actually planning to hit the pool today at some point for some movement in it. My husband has been amazing, and said that will do it wonders & my sanity levels for getting in movement:) And THANKS! The truth? I am totally loving blogging every day. 🙂 xo

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